
How to configure syslog server to send collected syslogs to another linux server

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I have an existing syslog server which is an Ubuntu 20.04 ( It is ingesting logs from my syslog client which is a Centos7 (

Displayed below is the current flow:

Centos7 (syslog client) -> Ubuntu (syslog server)

From my Centos7, I added the line below in /etc/rsyslog.conf. The IP is my Ubuntu 20.04 (syslog server).


From my Ubuntu syslog server, I can verify that it is receiving logs from my Centos7 when I cat the /var/log/centos7/rsyslogd.log file.

I know this might sound silly but, how do I configure my Ubuntu server to send only the collected syslogs from Centos7 to another server? Is this possible?

The desired flow would look like below:

Centos7 (syslog client) -> Ubuntu (syslog server) - > Linux server (I only want centos7 logs) 

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