
How to remove ubuntu and install windows 10 on Thinkbook 15 G2 ITL

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I have Lenovo Thinkbook 15 G2 ITL 20VE00FTTX and I am trying to remove ubuntu and install windows 10 instead. I made a windows 10 bootable USB using windows tool on a different windows pc. The problem here is I can't boot from the USB as when I press F12 the USB name does not appear there and even when I opened the bios and disabled secure boot it didn't work.

I added down all the settings that I have in the bios (configuration - security - boot ) so that it would be easier to tell me how to boot from the USB to install windows 10 on the SSD hard.


I noticed that ubuntu sys is installed on the HDD hard and the sdd hard doesn't appear even in the bios.

I've watched many videos but I couldn't find any similar options to what I have now in the boot settings.

Pilot6 avatar
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Această întrebare nu are legătură cu Ubuntu.
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sistemul de operare instalat nu are importanță atunci când instalați un alt sistem de operare, așa că nu este vorba despre Ubuntu.
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