
caps lock stuck on when using logitech external keyboard

drapel nl

I've used all of the standard methods to defeat capslock

   setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:nocaps

as well as the standard modifications in gnome-tweaks

These work fine, EXCEPT when I am using my logitech K810 keyboard

To manage that keyboard, I have to run

/opt/k81x/k81x-fkeys obtained from this site: https://github.com/themech/k810_k811_fkeys

So long as I remember to run it immediately after connecting the logitech, and then run the setxkbmap command above, caps lock continues to be disabled.

But if I forget, then caps-lock turns on and the only method I have found to release it is to log out.

There has to be some way to release it---the web mentions a few, like CTRL SHIFT CAPSLOCK, but none of these work for me. Does anybody have any suggestions? My preferred method would be a hardware fix, so that caps lock is purged so thoroughly from my system that not even the logitech can find it. If anybody could tell me how to do that it would be wonderful.

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