
How to turn off Gnome's keyboard-touchpad auto disabling on "2 in 1" laptop?

drapel cn

I have a Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 laptop, a so called "2 in 1" model where you can turn the screen around and use the machine in tablet mode. Gnome can detect turning the screen and disables the keyboard & touchpad when it believes the machine is in tablet mode. The problem is that it is often wrong about its believes and disables the keyboard when I want to use it.

This was mildly inconvenient under Ubuntu 20.10, but since I upgraded to 21.04 the problem got worse. Now I often end up in a state where the keyboard works but the touchpad is disabled.

Since I don't really need the tablet mode, I would like to disable this entire feature and just keep my peripherals always on. However, I don't even know the feature's name. Could someone give me some pointers on how to do this?

Dániel Szoboszlay avatar
drapel cn
Remedierea funcției de dezactivare automată ar fi și mai bună, dar bănuiesc că există o problemă HW cu senzorul. Cu `evtest` văd evenimentele când mișc ecranul, ele vin într-un punct greșit: `Eveniment: ora 1624904646.777369, tip 4 (EV_MSC), cod 4 (MSC_SCAN), valoare f3` `Eveniment: ora 1624904646.777369, tip 1 (EV_KEY), cod 191 (KEY_F21), valoare 1` `Eveniment: ora 1624904646.777369, -------------- SYN_REPORT -------------` `Eveniment: ora 1624904646.784424, tip 4 (EV_MSC), cod 4 (MSC_SCAN), valoare f3` `Eveniment: ora 1624904646.784424, tip 1 (EV_KEY), cod 191 (KEY_F21), valoare 0`
Nmath avatar
drapel ng
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