
How to properly migrate user's email profile from local e-mail server to m365

drapel cn

My task was to migrate our HR manager's email account from our local e-mail server and keep all her folders, sub folders mails contacts etc. as they were. I have managed to redirect the mailflow to her new email address but when I was trying to import her old data (pst file exported from an ost file from her previous profile in Outlook 2019) something like "~not enough system resources are available to finish the process". I saw that her directoty structure had been already created, but the new ost file was significally smaller than the original. I gave it another shot and that was when things went south. I ticked the skip existing data button than proceeded with the importation again. It was completed with no errors whatsoever, but the new file is way bigger than the original now because it had duplicated every email with any attachement. Make things worse syncing with m365 was already turned on. Is there any way just to save the messages she had received since the redirection, but delete completely the new ost file, stop syncing and import her old profile back again, and add manually those few new mails and then turn syncing on in a way that Outlook on her notebook profile will overwrite her data in the cloud and not vica-versa?

drapel us

Puteți crea un nou flux de e-mail pentru a salva mesajele pe care le-a primit de la redirecționare:introduceți descrierea imaginii aici

Apoi puteți urma instrucțiunile pentru a șterge fișierul .ost: Cum să reconstruiți sau să creați un fișier OST nou în MS Outlook

Apoi, puteți exporta e-mailuri vechi într-un fișier pst în vechea adresă de e-mail și puteți importa fișierul .pst la noua adresă de e-mail. Îndrumări pas cu pas pentru referință:Importați fișierul PST în Office 365 â Pas cu pas

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