
Cum actualizez firmware-ul pe telefonul Cisco SPA50X VOIP?

drapel in

Am descărcat cel mai recent firmware pentru Cisco SPA504G al meu. Cu toate acestea, fișierul obișnuit .exe folosit pentru a efectua upgrade nu a fost inclus cu noul firmware. Nici notele de lansare nu au oferit indicii despre cum să faceți upgrade fără acesta. Nici interfața Web nu are câmp pentru a specifica fișierul dintr-o cale locală.

Cum fac upgrade la FW-ul telefonului meu SPA504G VOIP?!?!?

NOTĂ: Acest apare să fie grupul Stack potrivit, deoarece văd întrebări despre actualizarea firmware-ului pentru firewall-uri, imprimante și alte dispozitive, așa că vă rog să nu mă aruncați în aer dacă acesta nu este grupul corect ;-)

drapel in


I spent AGES trying to figure out how to upgrade the Firmware on a Cisco SPA504G VOIP phone; hopefully this answer will save others countless wasted time.

Cisco heretofore included an .exe with their FW updates to accomplish the process. FW version 7.6.2 however there wasn't any. Nor did the release notes contain any instructions for an alternative upgrade process. Googling only returned (mostly) answers for the upgrade process using the .exe file.

However, I eventually found a link that discussed supplying the FW file via a webserver.

The Process:

Since I have a MacBook and OSX- I'm using Monterrey- includes an Apache webserver, it occurred to me to just use it. However, just adapt the process where appropriate if using a webserver NOT on a MacBook.

MacBook Config:

  1. Open Apache Config: sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

  2. Set IP of Webserver: Set Listen directive toto the IP of your MacBook: Listen

  3. Copy new FW to Webserver Directory: The path I copied the FW to in OSX Monterrey was /Library/WebServer/Documents you can do this via the CLI or using the "Go" option in the Finder Menu.

  4. Ensure there's connectivity in any firewalls between your MacBook and the phone: The MacBook's and/or the router's

Here's a link to configuring Apache on your MacBook if you require further guidance

Cisco SPA50X Web Interface Config:

  1. WARNING: Read the FW's release notes to ensure there is no required step-upgrade version you're required to make prior to upgrading to the *CURRENT FW version!

  2. Cisco SPA50X Web Interface Config: Choose "Admin Login" and then click "Advanced" to display the "Provisioning" tab. Once there, in the "Firmware Upgrade" section enter the URL to the FW in your webserver in the field Upgrade Rule

Cisco SPA50X Web GUI

  1. Execute the FW Upgrade: Click Submit All Changes

  2. The browser displays the below feedback and the LED above the screen on the phone will flash red and display a message that the FW is being updated:

FW Upgrade Browser Feedback Message

The update can take a while and can be nerve wrecking waiting for the phone to rise-up correctly. Do not interrupt it and wait for it to complete.


When my SPA504G rebooted, it hung on "Finding DNS". After the panic subsided, I resolved the issue by setting the DNS to Manual and set it to, after which the phone could then fully rise-up:

Fix DNS Issue

What DOESN'T Work: Online Storage

For the sake of completeness, I'll tell you what I tried that didn't work so you don't waste your time covering ground where I've already been:

I thought I'd use an online storage portal to download the file.

I tried supplying the FW file to the phone using a shareable link with Dropbox, gDrive & MS's OneDrive. This doesn't work, don't waste your time.


Not a complex process once you know how to do it, but the trouble I had was finding out *HOW to do it! Hopefully this will save others wasting a lot of their cycles performing what really shouldn't be a difficult process but which Cisco does make it so with undocumented changes to their established FW upgrade processes.

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Majoritatea oamenilor nu înțeleg că a pune multe întrebări deblochează învățarea și îmbunătățește legătura interpersonală. În studiile lui Alison, de exemplu, deși oamenii își puteau aminti cu exactitate câte întrebări au fost puse în conversațiile lor, ei nu au intuit legătura dintre întrebări și apreciere. În patru studii, în care participanții au fost implicați în conversații ei înșiși sau au citit transcrieri ale conversațiilor altora, oamenii au avut tendința să nu realizeze că întrebarea ar influența – sau ar fi influențat – nivelul de prietenie dintre conversatori.