
Azure Bastion whitelist IPs

drapel cn

I have an Azure Bastion set up to demo the hub-and-spoke topology. I was able to recreate the Microsoft-provided azure-hub-spoke JSON example in Terraform successfully and all is working well. What I am being asked to demo next is the ability to not just use authentication for access to the Bastion, but to whitelist IP addresses that can be used to access the Bastion.

I'm not sure where to start looking at this. I tried updating the NSG to only allow a bad IP ( to access the Bastion network as well as attempting to add an Azure Firewall Rule with no success.

Can someone point me to some documentation that would help me or provide a solution based on the linked JSON deployment?

Thanks, as always.

Basically the scenario is:

Jack should only be able to access the Bastion from the office IP address. While Sally should only be able to access the Bastion from her dedicated offsite terminal.

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