
Why Would a Log File Get Cut Off When Emailed?

drapel in

I am setting up some local backups of AWS EC2 instances. The backups are set to run overnight via Windows Server 2012 R2 Task Scheduler. The basic flow of each backup is that an rsync copies the current instance to local storage, the local storage copy is tarred and gzipped, and then an email is sent to me with any errors or notices (or a statement that no errors or notices were generated).

The problem is that several of the emails being sent to me are cut off. They only list the first 75-odd errors or notices, although the exact number varies.

What could be causing this truncation?


As suggested in a comment, I sent the output variable to a text file prior to sending it in an email. That text file was itself truncated, so the problem is coming in within the batch file during the population of the output variable.

Here is a sample Windows batch file that executes the backup process:

REM Delete any pre-existing log file and create a fresh one.
del C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log
fsutil.exe file createnew C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log 0

REM Execute the rsync.
rsync -az --exclude "/data" --exclude "/dev" --exclude "/proc" --exclude "/snap" --exclude "/sys" --exclude "request" --exclude "orgChangeShowAll*" --exclude "httpdocs/content" -e "ssh -i //fszero/itdata/WebserverInformation/Keys/SSH_Keys/test-mssctraining.pem" [USER]@[IP ADDRESS]:/ "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/" --delete >> C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log 2>&1

REM Get the current data via the GNU utility formerly known as "date" (renamed to avoid confusion with MS's built-in "date" command).
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('gnudate +%%Y') DO (SET year=%%i)
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('gnudate +%%m') DO (SET month=%%i)
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('gnudate +%%d') DO (SET day=%%i)

REM Execute the archive using the date in the name.
C:\cygwin64\bin\tar.exe -czf //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceArchives/instanceDailyMSSCTest1-%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%.tar.gz //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/ >> C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log 2>&1

REM Remove the lone back tick from tar output and replace it with a quote so it matches with the otherwise lone quote, set both to double-quotes so they will show up in text.
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "(gc C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log).replace('Removing leading `', 'Removing leading ""') | Set-Content -encoding ASCII C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log"
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command "(gc C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log).replace('//'' from member names', '//"" from member names') | Set-Content -encoding ASCII C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log"

REM Turn on execution-time evaluation of variables rather than just parse-time.

REM Initial variable declaration with HTML line break.
SET initial=The following errors or notices were issued:
SET break="<br>"
SET output=!initial!!break!

REM For loop to process each line in the text file and append it with a line break to the output.
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%l IN (C:\scripts\errorLogs\instanceMSSCTest1error.log) DO (
    SET output=!output!!break!%%l   

REM If an empty file (i.e. no change from initialization) say no errors or notices were issued.
IF (!output!==!initial!!break!) (
    SET output=No errors or notices were issued.

REM Remove the output quote introduced by the break variable.
SET output=%output:""=%

REM Send the email.
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -command C:\scripts\emailWithParameters.ps1 '1/10: Instance MSSC Test 1 Backup' '%output%'

Here is the separate Powershell script that executes the email:

Param([String]$mailSubject, [String]$body)
$smtpServer = 'smtp.gmail.com'  
$smtpPort = '587'
$smtpUser = '[USERID]@gmail.com'  
$smtpPassword = '[PASSWORD]'  
$mailtTo = '[DESTINATION EMAIL]'  
$mailFrom = '[SOURCE EMAIL]'  
$credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $smtpUser, $($smtpPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force)
Send-MailMessage -To "$mailtTo" -From "$mailFrom" -Subject $mailSubject -Body "$body" -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Port $smtpPort -BodyAsHtml -UseSsl -Credential $credentials

Here is the full error log file output sitting on the server, with a notation added for where truncaction occurs:

rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/System.map-5.11.0-1020-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/System.map-5.11.0-1021-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/System.map-5.11.0-1022-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/System.map-5.4.0-1045-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/vmlinuz-5.11.0-1020-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/vmlinuz-5.11.0-1021-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/vmlinuz-5.11.0-1022-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-1045-aws": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/etc/multipath" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/.pwd.lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/at.deny": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/gshadow": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/gshadow-": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/shadow": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/shadow-": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/sudoers": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/etc/ssl/private" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/etc/sudoers.d" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/home/mssc_ftp/.cache" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/lost+found" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/root" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/access": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/access.db": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/aliases.db": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/authinfo": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/authinfo.db": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/m4/dialup.m4": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/m4/provider.m4": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/tls/sendmail-client.cfg": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/tls/sendmail-common.key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/tls/sendmail-common.prm": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/mail/tls/sendmail-server.cfg": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/cryptsetup" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/lock/lvm" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/lvm" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/sudo" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/systemd/ask-password-block" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/systemd/inaccessible" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/systemd/unit-root" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/security/opasswd": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/run/user/1000/inaccessible" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/tmp/snap.lxd" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-logind.service-yIc8pf" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-resolved.service-7dXcSf" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-timesyncd.service-OP5opf" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: [generator] symlink "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-3552.mount" -> "/etc/systemd/system/snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-3552.mount" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [generator] symlink "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-4046.mount" -> "/etc/systemd/system/snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-4046.mount" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [generator] symlink "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/units/invocation:snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-3552.mount" -> "efc6bc3fae7047e8a492313233864ecb" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [generator] symlink "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/units/invocation:snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-4046.mount" -> "446737710ed54a53b049d6f44d2f58e0" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/after.init": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/after.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/after6.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/before.init": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/before.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/before6.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/user.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/etc/ufw/user6.rules": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/home/mssc_ftp/.bash_history": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/home/mssc_ftp/.viminfo": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/agetty.reload": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/crond.reboot": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/unattended-upgrades.lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/sendmail/mta/sendmail.pid": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/snapd/lock/.lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/snapd/lock/lxd.lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:1343715": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:14809": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:16464": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:18030": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:18750": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:19654": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:20320": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:20422": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:20439": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:20441": Permission denied (13) **<--- FINAL LINE INCLUDED IN EMAIL**
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:21542": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:21777": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:21967": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:22734": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:24070": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:27289": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/run/systemd/journal/streams/8:3562434": Permission denied (13)
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/etc/systemd/system/.snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-3552.mount.92LXBP" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/etc/systemd/system/.snap-amazon\x2dssm\x2dagent-4046.mount.v3XIgy" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id\x2fnvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_vol062363622eca83d85-part1" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id\x2fnvme-Amazon_Elastic_Block_Store_vol062363622eca83d85" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id\x2fnvme-nvme.1d0f-766f6c3036323336333632326563613833643835-416d617a6f6e20456c617374696320426c6f636b2053746f7265-00000001-part1" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-id\x2fnvme-nvme.1d0f-766f6c3036323336333632326563613833643835-416d617a6f6e20456c617374696320426c6f636b2053746f7265-00000001" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-label\x2fcloudimg-rootfs" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-partuuid\x2f5198cbc0-01" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-path\x2fpci-0000:00:04.0-nvme-1-part1" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-path\x2fpci-0000:00:04.0-nvme-1" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2fdisk\x2fby-uuid\x2fe8070c31-bfee-4314-a151-d1332dc23486" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2finput\x2fby-path\x2fplatform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2finput\x2fby-path\x2fplatform-i8042-serio-1-event-mouse" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [generator] recv_generator: mkdir "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/links/\x2finput\x2fby-path\x2fplatform-i8042-serio-1-mouse" failed: No such file or directory (2)
*** Skipping any contents from this failed directory ***
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/usr/lib/systemd/system/.system-systemd\x2dcryptsetup.slice.XTMqVa" failed: No such file or directory (2)
file has vanished: "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/usr/share/perl/5.30.0/pod/Simple/.TranscodeSmart.pm.1u21kZ"
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/usr/share/perl/5.30.0/Pod/Text/.Color.pm.BTbXb2" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/usr/share/perl/5.30.0/Pod/Text/.Overstrike.pm.uHx6pP" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [receiver] mkstemp "//fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/usr/share/perl/5.30.0/Pod/Text/.Termcap.pm.jUsuLK" failed: No such file or directory (2)
cannot delete non-empty directory: usr/share/perl/5.30.0/pod/Simple
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/apparmor/11143a61.0" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/apparmor/26b63962.0" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/apparmor/e3a82466.0" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/ldconfig" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/pollinate" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/cache/private" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/AccountsService/users" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/amazon" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/apt/lists/partial" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/cache/apt/archives/lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/apt/lists/lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/cloud-config.txt": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/obj.pkl": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/user-data.txt": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/user-data.txt.i": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/vendor-data.txt": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/vendor-data.txt.i": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/vendor-data2.txt": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-0d81ad768f77d90b8/vendor-data2.txt.i": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/dpkg/lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend": Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/fwupd/gnupg" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/nginx/body" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/nginx/proxy" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/nginx/scgi" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/php/sessions" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/polkit-1" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/private" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/sendmail" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/snapd/cache" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/snapd/cookie" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/snapd/void" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/log/amazon" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/log/private" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/snap/lxd/common/lxd" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/cron/atjobs" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/cron/atspool" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/cron/crontabs" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/mqueue-client" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/mqueue" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/spool/rsyslog" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-logind.service-YcEckh" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-resolved.service-5eAPVi" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: opendir "/var/tmp/systemd-private-689d4be734ea4ba0bed07664111ebfb2-systemd-timesyncd.service-uelrmg" failed: Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/dpkg/triggers/Lock": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/state.json": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/device/private-keys-v1/tGuSwqQ0IOxQ18J3Favo7oMpll4QagrjwWWCzz1KvjeBG8rgbgnq6NCPpAVn6QVp": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/amazon-ssm-agent_3552.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/core18_1997.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/lxd_19647.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/snapd_11588.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/amazon-ssm-agent_3552.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/amazon-ssm-agent_4046.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core18_2246.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core18_2253.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core20_1242.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/core20_1270.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/lxd_21803.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/lxd_21835.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/snapd_14066.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/snapd/snaps/snapd_14295.snap": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/systemd/random-seed": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/lib/update-notifier/hwe-eol": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/btmp": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/btmp.1": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.1": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.2.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.3.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.4.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.5.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.6.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/var/log/php7.4-fpm.log.7.gz": Permission denied (13)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1816) [generator=3.2.3]
/usr/bin/tar: Removing leading "//" from member names
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/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/snapd.socket: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/irqbalance/irqbalance474.sock: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock: socket ignored
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/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/notify: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/private: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/journal/dev-log: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/journal/io.systemd.journal: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/journal/socket: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/journal/stdout: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/journal/syslog: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/udev/control: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/bus: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/pk-debconf-socket: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/snapd-session-agent.socket: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.dirmngr: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent: socket ignored
/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.browser: socket ignored
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/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: socket ignored
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/usr/bin/tar: //fszero/webServerBackup/dailyBackups/MSSCTest1InstanceDaily/run/uuidd/request: socket ignored
drapel cn
De ce adăugați o întrerupere de linie și trimiteți un jurnal de text simplu ca html?
drapel br
ați confirmat că informațiile pe care le trimiteți la comanda de e-mail conține toate informațiile așteptate?
Neil Wehneman avatar
drapel in
@GregAskew Funcționalitatea de e-mail pe care am găsit-o în Google a folosit HTML și inserând `` m-a pus în funcțiune mai repede decât depanarea de ce `\n` și altele asemenea nu funcționau. În ceea ce privește motivul pentru care nu trimit doar fișierul jurnal prin e-mail, vreau să introduc conținutul fișierului jurnal într-un corp (mai degrabă decât să-l atașez), deoarece citirea din corp față de deschiderea unui atașament mă va economisi timp la revizuirea acestora zilnic când am câteva zeci de ele.
Neil Wehneman avatar
drapel in
@Lee_Daily Acesta este un punct bun. O să mă uit la asta acum.
drapel cn
Dacă este specificat html și textul nu este conform cu html, asta ar putea explica. Dacă funcționează trimiterea ca text, ar fi un test ușor.
Neil Wehneman avatar
drapel in
@Lee_Dailey Am actualizat întrebarea cu informația conform căreia variabila „ieșire” este ea însăși trunchiată, deci problema este probabil să apară cu modul în care este populată acea variabilă.
drapel br
@NeilWehneman - aș înlocui primul tău script cu codul Powershell dacă este posibil. asta vă va permite să profitați de oamenii care au experiență PoSh, dar nu de expertiză BAT/CMD.

Postează un răspuns

Majoritatea oamenilor nu înțeleg că a pune multe întrebări deblochează învățarea și îmbunătățește legătura interpersonală. În studiile lui Alison, de exemplu, deși oamenii își puteau aminti cu exactitate câte întrebări au fost puse în conversațiile lor, ei nu au intuit legătura dintre întrebări și apreciere. În patru studii, în care participanții au fost implicați în conversații ei înșiși sau au citit transcrieri ale conversațiilor altora, oamenii au avut tendința să nu realizeze că întrebarea ar influența – sau ar fi influențat – nivelul de prietenie dintre conversatori.