
ProLiant DL320e Gen8 v2 cannot see disk on SAS ports, SATA port 5 (for dvd-drive) works fine

drapel ru

First post on this forum, thanks for reading.

Trying to get my server up and running with a RAID0 array on the built in software RAID controller HP Dynamic Smart Array B120i v3.54.

The system does see some consumer sata drives with 500gb. But it cannont detect nor see original HP 2TB SAS drives (part #652757) which are compatible with this particular unit.

I've tried with 4 different disks, all 652757 ones. 2 of them gives orange steady light on the caddy. 2 others does not light up in the caddy. The caddy does try to initialise. I've also tried 2 brand new Seagate 2TB sas disks, they are not seen by the system either.

In the raid controller software/settings there is no trace of the disks either so I cannot create logical disk/arryas. None of them shows.

I've tried on a mint DL320e Gen8 v2 also, with exact same results. This unit has not been updated since 2014 regarding firmwares.

Only a consumer SSD sata that I've tried to connect to the PORT5 SATA on the motherboard works (port normally for super slim DVD-drive). I shows in boot-process, in the raid-settings utily and I can install a OS on it etc.

All firmware are updated, I've tried deleting NAND flash also. No luck.

Does any body now what to do - am I missing something obvius?

Thanks :)

Product ID: 717170-421 System ROM: P80 04/04/2019 System ROM Date: 04/04/2019 Backup System ROM: P80 03/28/2014

iLO Firmware Version: 2.78 Apr 28 2021

drapel my

Vești proaste... B120i NU acceptă unități SAS, doar SATA. Puteți adăuga controler de matrice inteligentă suplimentar „P”, de exemplu P222, P421 și puteți conecta cabluri sas de la backplane la acest controler.


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drapel ru
Mulțumesc mult. Cred că am ratat ceva evident. Nu înțeleg de ce revânzătorul de unități și lista de unități compatibile de la HP afirmă că aceste discuri SAS sunt compatibile cu unitatea, deoarece se livrează implicit cu controlerul B120i :(

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