
Home profile not mapping for users

drapel cn

The home profile is not mapping for users on my domain.

I have configured this through the user -> profile -> home folder

Connect U to \myshare%username%

I have also replaced %username% with the actual username

The drive doesn't map, when I login and map the drive manually, it works (so it is not a networking error). I have also attempted to map the drive via GPO and same issue, it does not map.

I have configured the 'always wait for the network at computer startup and login'

I also seem to be getting this in the event log which suggests the GPO isn't applying. Even though,

  • I apply the home profile on the user not the GPO (although trying it with the GPO it doesn't map either)
  • I apply other settings via GPO (proxy settings with a pac file) and this is successfully applied

Event ID: 1053 Description: The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows could not resolve the user name. This could be caused by one of more of the following: a) Name Resolution failure on the current domain controller. b) Active Directory Replication Latency (an account created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).

What's the next steps for troubleshooting?

SamErde avatar
drapel gg
Întrebarea dvs. arată o singură bară oblică inversă în fața numelui acțiunii în UNC. Setarea reală are dublă bară oblică corectă?

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