
Using Twig template to generate a PDF

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I am trying to generate a Twig template for the Attachment PDF item in a webform. I am able to automatically generate a label and field data using : {{ webform_token('[webform:element:to]', webform) }} : {{ data.to }}

I am trying to figure out how I can get access to the rest of the webform settings such as the labels of the different fields: {{ webform_token('[webform_submission:created]', webform_submission) }}

What if I want to display the title of the form only using label:value? I know I can use : {{ webform_token('[webform_submission:label]', webform_submission) }} but this gives The form name with Submission No attached to the end. I need the form name only.

Is there a command or a setting I can use to get a list of all available settings and fields in the webform?

Sorry if this is not clear enough. Thanks

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M-am gândit cum să realizez ceea ce îmi doream. Este pur și simplu o chestiune de a selecta simbolul potrivit :) în acest caz, {{ webform_token('[webform_submission:webform:title]', webform_submission) }}

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